Takanabe Marshland


Nature paradise for plants and insects

Many rare plants and insects can be observed here. Along with the promenade, "sagisou" which makes the graceful figure of the white heron with extended wings, "mimikakigusa" is a small yellow flower that looks like an earpick grown wild. In this paradise of small animals, the "hacho tonbo" is the smallest dragonfly (1.0 to 1.4 cm long) in Japan which lives in this exclusive environment.
About 300 different plants grow naturally along within the promenade. For example, there are unique looking flowers like "sagisou", which look like the graceful figure of the white heron with extended wings. The "mimikakigusa", which is the yellow flower that looks like earpick. The "hebinoborazu", known as Berberis Sieboldii only grow in a few places throughout Japan. "Inutanukimo" also known as Utricularia Australis and "Mikawatanukimo":Utricularia Exileta are the plants that eat plankton. Himebotan and Rindo are the other flowers that can be seen in this area. Many different dragonflies like "haradoro tonbo", "coshiaki tonbo" can be seen. The "hacho tonbo" is the smallest dragonfly (1.0 cm to 1.4 cm long) in Japan which lives in the exclusive environment.
(Open from March until the last day of October this period that changes every year.)


hacho tonbo



Takanabe Marshland

Tel: 0983(23)3326
6972~3, Uwae, Takanabe-cho, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki


高鍋町役場 地域政策課

〒884-8655 宮崎県児湯郡高鍋町大字上江8437番地
電話:0983-26-2015(商工観光係) 0983-26-2018(総合政策係)
